Now I declare,** Sir,** young lady the newly married celebration ceremony formality beginning!( The New appointee is before appear, some disturbances of condition.Mainly is seven elder sister-in-laws eight greatest the 姨ss to stretch the head to explore the neck, be like to infect the one who arouse the one to glance left and right.The south faces the natal home guest to sit the scream that the at table rang out a burst of female children, that is the bride unit colleague, drink for the sister that the body wears the bride to pack colourful.Disturbance no longer than a minute, the host has the voice of settle the dint heavy rang out again.)
Autumn, there is deeper than spring bottom 蕴 , autumn, have the ratio spring more the person of 夺's magic power.Gold autumn seasonal changes, a rightness of loverses hold hands to walk into the saint palace of the marriage, they will grow the evergreen tree of the love together, happy fruit of the common sharing life.They are bridegrooms** Sir, bride** young lady!( Host to New appointee of solemn and impressive release, didn't crazy and hot result that attain the expectation apparently.Originally, because of the place reason, a rightness of New appointeeses are not from the backstage to come out, but has been stand fore a side of the pedestal, diluted to appear the result of the hour.《 The wedding march 》 ring out.)
Today is the day of your exultation, the old saving say: drink water not to forget to beat the well person.You can have the happiness of today, can't forget the parents' loving care from childhood first.( The parents of the New appointee stood to get up.) So first to parents three bow.While bow, wish two old happy forever;Two bow, wish two old healthy forever;Three bow, wish two old happy forever.
A long distance opportunity is a glimmer of to lead long, this lead long the red 娘 of the line is also your exultation of source.Please toward introcer three bow
Each guest in, is all your living medium bosom friend, the mentor that is on the work.It is strong backing that you head for the success.To think pleased add up pleased, should to they three bow.While bow, wish everyone to smile to often open;Two bow, wish everyone's family and beautiful;Three bow, wish everyone all lucky strike.
That good, now husband and wife to do obeisance.While bow, the loyalty is lasting;Two bow, comprehend is necessary;Three bow, respect is mutual.For expressing you at this time of happiness and merriment, the clearly show your eternal love, you will certainly choose a kind of since tradition again the way of the modern to corroborate, ask the guests to set question for them!
This makes what person overwhelm by joy kiss how.But, this is oral promise is not enough finally.So, ask bridegroom, bride to exchange the token of promise, in token of the seas dry up and rocks crumble constant state of mind of the heart!( A rightness of New appointeeses start exchange the token of promise.)
The wine is a sweet 滋滋 of, it indicate your happiness.The wine also is irritable, it will bring you the motive.Hold hands to walk at you up the solemn time of the life road, drink the cup bar, to help style of travelling!( The New appointee drinks to hand over the glass wine.)
每对新人都渴望着拍摄一组外景婚纱照,拍外景更能拍得出真实、唯美的一面,看着婚纱照片就可以让人大为赏心悦目。眼看着寒冷的冬天来临,选择在户外拍摄80后结婚照的新人们,拍婚纱照要注意什么呢?第一,上身尽量不要穿高领的秋衣,最好选择V领的可以单穿的长袖衣服代替秋衣。第二,下身如果选择的婚纱是短款露腿的,那么下身就必须穿与肤色同色的长袜。第三,鞋子最好是选择高跟,可以让新娘显得更修长。穿靴子也可以,只要是拍摄时露不出小腿的都没 有问题的,这样可以暖和一点。第四,鞋子最好是选择高跟,可以让新娘显得更修长。穿靴子也可以,只要是拍摄时露不出小腿的都没 有问题的,这样可以暖和一点。不用考虑那么多啦,我下个也要拍婚纱照,可是我选择的曲洋摄影早就告诉我应该注意什么,服务非常好,我很喜欢,我很多朋友都是在那里拍的,非常不错,你去那里看看吧!现在那里好像在搞活动,不要错过了呢!
5、魔兽世界 大芒果 怎么加钱
.modify money 9999999999 钱
.maxskill 将已会技能学至300/300 (单手剑熟练度..等)
.levelup 59 为目标(或自己) 增加59级
.learn all_myclass 学习自己的全部技能
.learn all_lang 学习所有语言
.additem 增加物品
.additemset 增加套装
.bank 打开仓库
.money 999999 为目标(或自己) 增加99金99银99铜
.modify hp x 增加目标的HP
.taxicheat 1 飞行线路作弊
.explorecheat 1 探索地图作弊
.revive 复活当前目标,或自己
.changelevel 数字 可以改变目标生物的等级
.delete 将目标生物从地图里删除
.speed 20 移动加速
.saveall 保存在线玩家数据
下面的GM命令搜索 在添加上就好了
(强烈推荐 学会这个你自己就能找代码了)
.lookup item 物品名
.lookup spell 法术名
.lookup skill 技能名
.lookup creature npc名
添加物品用.additem 代码
学习法术用.learn 代码
学习技能用.learn 代码
如果要设置某技能到多少用.setskill 数字 数字
添加npc用.addspw 代码
.modify money # 为目标(或自己) 增加#铜
.modify hp # # 将目标的HP设置为#/#
.modify mana # # 将目标的MP设置为#/#
.modify rage # # 将目标的怒气值设置为#/#
.modify energy # # 将目标的能量值设置为#/#
.modify speed # 将目标移动速度设定为初始速度的#倍(#=0.1-10)
.modify bwalk # 将目标移后退度设定为初始速度的#倍(#=0.1-10)
.modify swim # 将目标游泳速度设定为初始速度的#倍(#=0.1-10)
.modify fly # 将目标飞行速度设定为初始速度的#倍(#=0.1-10)
.modify aspeed # 将目标所有速度设定为初始速度的#倍(#=0.1-10)
.modify scale # 将目标体积设定为初始状态的#倍(#=0.00-3)
.modify mount # 为目标召唤一种坐骑(#=1-69)
.modify honor # 增加目标的荣誉点数#(#=1=2147483646)
.modify arena # 增加目标的竞技场点数#(#=1=2147483646)
.modify integral # 修改目标的积分为#(#=0-999999)
.modify drunk # 修改目标的醉酒度为#(#=0-100)
.modify faction # 修改你所选择生物的阵营为factionid,flagid为flagid.
.modify spell # 修改spell
.modify gold 99999999 增加被选择人物的金币数量
.modify speed 30 加速
.cheat fly 飞行
.revive 复活 需要输入 /g 空格 后输入此命令
.appear 移动到目标位置。
.summon 召唤目标到你的位置。
.npc del 删除一个NpC
.npc come 让NPC移动到你的位置
.morph 改变玩家外形
.demorph 改变人物回缺省外形
15744 人类狂欢者[男]
15745 人类狂欢者[女]
15746 侏儒狂欢者[男]
15747 侏儒狂欢者[女]
15748 暗夜精灵狂欢者[女]
15749 巨魔狂欢者[女]
15750 地精狂欢者[男]
15751 兽人狂欢者[女]
15752 地精狂欢者[女]
15753 亡灵狂欢者[女]
15754 牛头人狂欢者[女]
15755 亡灵狂欢者[男]
15756 兽人玛狂欢者[男]
15757 巨魔狂欢者[男]
15758 暗夜精灵狂欢者[男]
15759 牛头人狂欢者[男]
15760 兽人狂欢者[男]
15660 冬天爷爷助手[男]
15663 冬天爷爷助手[女]
15687 冬天爷爷助手[男]
15732 带圣诞帽的人
15733 带圣诞帽的人
15734 带圣诞帽的人
15800 矮人狂欢者[女]
15806 矮人狂欢者[男]
15862 暗夜精灵新年使者[红色男]
15863 牛头人新年使者[红色男]
15864 暗夜精灵新年使者[蓝色男]
15872 暗夜精灵新年使者[绿色男]
15873 暗夜精灵新年使者[绿色女]
15874 暗夜精灵新年使者[紫色女]
15875 牛头人新年使者[绿色男]
15876 牛头人新年使者[绿色女]
15877 牛头人新年使者[红色女]
15899 暗夜精灵新年使者[红色女]
15950 身着暴露的女人
15952 身着暴露的亡灵女人
15982 头上长角的人
16104 粉红色礼服女
16189 小熊波利
16597 艺妓舞女1
16600 艺妓舞女2
.learn 1515 抓宠物
.learn 8737 学锁甲
.learn 750 学板甲
.learn 227 法仗
.learnsk 433 盾牌
.learn 201 单手剑
.learnsk 43 999 999 单手剑到999
.learn 202 双手剑
.learnsk 55 999 999 双手剑到999
.learn 1180 匕首
.learnsk 173 999 999 匕首到999
.learnsk 95 999 999 防御技能到999
.learn 20597 // 剑类武器精通
.learn 20864 // 锤类武器精通
.learn 20595 // 枪械专精
.learn 20593 // 工程学专精
.learn 20558 // 投掷精通
.learn 1515 抓宠物
.learn 8737 学锁甲
.learn 750 学板甲
.learn 227 法仗
.learnsk 433 盾牌
.learn 201 单手剑
.learnsk 43 999 999 单手剑到999
.learn 202 双手剑
.learnsk 55 999 999 双手剑到999
.learn 1180 匕首
.learnsk 173 999 999 匕首到999
.learnsk 95 999 999 防御技能到999
.learn 20597 // 剑类武器精通
.learn 20864 // 锤类武器精通
.learn 20595 // 枪械专精
.learn 20593 // 工程学专精
.learn 20558 // 投掷精通
10034 礼服衬衣
10035 礼服短裤
10036 礼服夹克
10040 白色婚纱
13895 正统韩服
13896 暗绿色婚礼韩服
13897 白色传统韩服
13898 皇家韩服
13899 红色传统韩服
13900 绿色韩式礼服
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Music\\ZoneMusic\\DMF_L70ETC01.mp3")
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Music\\GlueScreenMusic\\BCCredits_Lament_of_the_Highborne.mp3")