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3、急需漫畫圖片 裡面的女的穿著紗裙禮服 記住 是紗裙 要有一層層紗的感覺





Going against the grain of all those stereotypical sex object or saintly roles that actresses usually get stuck with in movies, Katherine Heigl is definitely into trying out what's new and different, and we're not just talking dresses. And whether or not those characters signify any improvement, Heigl doesn't mind at all doing unattractive, so the heck with vanity. Moving on from her cranky nag in Knocked Up (one of two first-date Fertile Myrtles on the screen last year, along with Ellen Page in Juno), Heigl conversely gets immersed in the role of your typical self-effacing female doormat for Anne Fletcher's 27 Dresses.

Heigl is oddly, far-from-it plain Jane, a lonelyhearts Manhattan office drudge who's got a heavy ty longtime secret crush on her handsome boss George (Edward Burns). She goes so far to prove it with devoted rituals like fetching his favorite burrito every morning, but the only emotion she sparks in the clueless honcho is appreciation. Jane deals with her frustrated romantic longings by living vicariously through other women's lives. Specifically, by sorting out all the wedding details of twenty-seven girlfriends so far, and signing up for bridesmaid ty at each ceremony. And she's got a closetful of over two dozen of among the most outlandish of those bridesmaid gowns to prove it. Fashion police be forewarned.

Jane is so entirely self-effacing and focused on the needs of others in the extreme, that she'll even lift up the gown of an intended bride so she can pee properly into the toilet before taking those vows, you can't find a better pal than that. But Jane's mostly dreary, quick-fixed fantasy wedding revelry rounds are rudely shaken up when her globe-trotting man magnet sister Tess (Malin Akerman) arrives in town, and makes moves on George.

Quicker than you can say 27 Dresses, Tess has got the boss prepped for walking down the aisle with her, though the covert swinger has got to do a quickie personality makeover to convince him that she's marriage material. And Jane, who's been doing the supremely servile underling routine for so long, finds herself suddenly pushed out of the picture like a starter wife who's just been tossed aside for a more sective model.

There's also an annoying newspaper wedding column writer Kevin (James Marsden) who starts snooping around, after getting wind of Jane's unhealthy wedding obsessions, and he's sensing a big breakout story there for his career. But much like her character in Knocked Up, Heigl just can't seem to keep her distance from guy trouble or her libido in check, every time she hits the booze at a convenient bar in the vicinity. Akerman too drags a bit of her persona from her last movie into yet another messy triangle touching on wedding blues, with her repugnant hottie in The Heartbreak Kid.

27 Dresses lacks the kind of bracing satire we'd expect from the screenwriter, The Devil Wears Prada's Aline Brosh McKenna. Here, the devil wears taffeta and the script is more frothy than cutting edge. A couple of well-aimed jabs at the ostentatious consumerism of the wedding instry might have made a big difference. On the plus side, are the bizarre array of those 27 dresses in question that, who knows, could add some festive spark as recycled ornate rags for a future Mardi Gras or other down the line.
面對糧食所有這些定型性對象或聖潔的角色,女演員通常會停留在電影,凱瑟琳海格爾肯定是到嘗試什麼新的不同的,我們不只是談論衣服。而不論這些特點意味著任何改善,琳海格並不介意在所有做吸引力,因此,赫克與虛榮心。談到她的怪僻的嘮叨在拆裝最多(其中兩個第一日期肥沃Myrtles在屏幕上,去年海倫一起在朱諾頁) ,海格爾反過來沉浸在獲得中的作用典型的自我謙遜的女性門墊安妮弗萊徹的27服飾。

海格爾是奇怪的是,遠離它素雅,一個lonelyhearts曼哈頓的辦公室做苦工誰是獲得重型長期秘密愛戀她漂亮的老闆喬治(愛德華伯恩斯) 。她竟然以證明它用於宗教儀式想取他最喜歡的burrito每天早上,但她只有情感的火花在本町是一無所知的贊賞。簡涉及她沮喪的浪漫憧憬的生活間接通過其他婦女的生活。具體來說,通過清理所有婚禮的細節07年的女友,到目前為止,並簽署了伴娘工作地點在每個儀式。而她的closetful了超過24個的最古怪的伴娘禮服證明這一點。時裝警察警告。


速度比你可以說27服飾,苔絲得到老闆准備向走在走道她,但暗中趕時髦得到做quickie人格改變說服他,她的婚姻材料。和Jane ,誰做的超級奴役下屬例行這么長時間,突然發現自己擠出圖片像一個入門的妻子誰是剛剛被拋棄一個更誘人的模式。




這個本身沒有官方版吧 magnet本身就是一首同人曲,如果要所謂官方的話PV裡面的圖就算是官方?其實我覺得除了公司的以外剩下的都是同人嘛,只不過他們允許二次創作而已。



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