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發布時間: 2023-05-17 10:07:33






2、翻譯句子: 1.隨著婚禮的臨近,蘇珊變得非常焦慮。她說不清楚是什麼讓自己如此煩惱。在同好友凱特長談

1,With the approach of the wedding, Susan became very worried. She said it was not clear what makes me so upset. In the same friend Kate had a long talk, she realized that, although she was 28 years old, but emotionally mature enough to be ready for marriage, yet, do not know whether the marriage would guarantee her a happy family life。
2,She knew China students are always reluctant to express their feelings and ideas, this is not only because of their lack of confidence in my oral English, but also because they believe that steady is a virtue. So she speciallydesigned some simple topic, encourage students to participate in the discussion, to enhance self-confidence,narrowing the distance between each other.

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