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THIS IS AMERICA - Spirit of the Season: Christmas Music and Traditions in America
By Shelley Gollust

Broadcast: Monday, December 19, 2005


ANNOUNCER: Millions of Americans will celebrate Christmas on December Twenty-Fifth. It is the most widely celebrated religious holiday in the United States. For the past few weeks, Americans have been preparing for Christmas. I'm Bob Doughty. Shirley Griffith and Ray Freeman tell us about American Christmas traditions and music on the VOA Special English program, THIS IS AMERICA.



People have been buying gifts to give to family members and friends. They have been filling homes and stores with evergreen trees and bright, colored lights. They have been going to parties and preparing special Christmas foods. Many people think Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Johnny Mathis thinks so, too.



Many Christians will go to church the night before the holiday or on Christmas Day. They will celebrate Christmas as the birthday of Jesus Christ. Christian ministers will speak about the need for peace and understanding in the world. This is the spiritual message of Christmas. Church services will include traditional religious songs for the holiday.

One of the most popular is this one, "Silent Night." Here it is sung by Joan Baez.



Many other Americans will celebrate Christmas as an important, but non-religious, holiday. To all, however, it is a special day of family, food, and exchanging gifts.

Christmas is probably the most special day of the year for children. One thing that makes it special is the popular tradition of Santa Claus.

Young children believe that Santa Claus is a fat, kind, old man in a red suit with white fur. They believe that -- on the night before Christmas -- he travels through the air in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. He enters each house from the top by sliding down the hole in the fireplace. He leaves gifts for the children under the Christmas tree.

Here, Bruce Springsteen sings about Santa Claus.



Americans spend a lot of time and money buying Christmas presents. The average American family spends about eight-hundred dollars. Stores and shopping centers are crowded at this time of year. More than twenty percent of all goods sold ring the year are sold ring the weeks before Christmas. This is good for stores and for the American economy.

Christmas shopping in mall

Some people object to all this spending. They say it is not the real meaning of Christmas. So, they celebrate in other ways. For example, they make Christmas presents, instead of buying them. Or they volunteer to help serve meals to people who have no homes. Or they give money to organizations that help poor people in the United States and around the world.


Home and family are the center of the Christmas holiday. For many people, the most enjoyable tradition is buying a Christmas tree and decorating it with lights and beautiful objects. On Christmas Eve or Christmas morning, people gather around the tree to open their presents.

Another important Christmas tradition involves food. Families prepare many kinds of holiday foods, especially sweets. They eat these foods on the night before Christmas and on Christmas day.

For many people, Christmas means traveling long distances to be with their families. Peabo Bryson and Roberta Flack sing about this holiday tradition.



Another Christmas tradition is to go "caroling." A group of people walks along the street. At each house, they stop and sing a Christmas song, called a carol. Student groups also sing carols at schools and shopping centers. Let us listen to the choir of Trinity Church in Boston sing "Carol of the Bells."



Not everyone in the United States celebrates Christmas. Members of the Jewish and Muslim religions, for example, generally do not. Jewish people celebrate the holiday of Hanukkah. And some black Americans observe another holiday, Kwanzaa. Yet many Americans do take part in some of the traditional performances of the season. One of the most popular is a story told in dance: "The Nutcracker" ballet. The music was written by Russian composer Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky in eighteen ninety-one.


The ballet is about a young girl named Clara. Clara is celebrating Christmas with her family and friends. One of her Christmas presents is a little device to open nuts -- a nutcracker. It is shaped like a toy soldier. She dreams that the nutcracker comes to life as a good-looking prince.

Professional dance groups in many American cities perform the ballet at this time of year. They often use students from local ballet schools to dance the part of Clara and the other children in the story. This gives parents a chance to see their children perform.


We leave you with "The Waltz of the Flowers" from "The Nutcracker." It is played by the Philadelphia Orchestra, led by Eugene Ormandy.



Today's program was written by Shelley Gollust. It was proced and directed by Lawan Davis. I'm Shirley Griffith.



And I'm Ray Freeman. Join us again next week for another report about life in the United States on the VOA Special English program, THIS IS AMERICA




中華民族的民俗傳統的發展被遏制, 大量民俗文化由於沒有得到妥善和有效的保護而遭到嚴重破壞甚至毀滅的現象。撥亂反正以後,民俗文化才逐漸恢復並得到發展。近年來民俗文化更是得到很大的重視,有了長足發展。現在是建國以來,河北民俗活動開展得最好的時期,河北民間文化、民俗活動迎來了又一個春天。






















Customs and Manners風俗習慣與禮節

Customs and Manners Do as the Romans do. Try to follow the custom and you』 get used to it. Making yourself clear is a polite thing to do. It』s always a bit difficult to get things started. Once you get started you』ll find it much easier to do. The safe way to do things is to watch what people do and do the same. You just have be westernized, but you』ve got to learn to enjoy our things while you』re here. You』ll appreciate our views more when you get to know us better. You』ve got to make friends if you want to get better acquainted with things here. Living in a strange land is always hard at the beginning, but you』ll get over it. You don』t have to go with it, but what you need to do is to understand it. That』s what makes us Americans By our custom it』s not acceptable. I think you』ll have to change your habit a little bit. Stick to it ,no matter what people say. You』ll overcome the culture shock in no time. It』ll help you broaden your viewpoints that you live with people from different backgrounds. This is what a lot people thought of us Americans when they first come here. I found people here seem always on the run. People have always mistakenly thought we Chinese people lack a sense of time and are slow in response to the outside world. But it』s just not true any more. Although they』ve tried in every way to make friends with me, it still doesn』t work. I think part of the problem is the language, and part of it the cultural differences. It』ll help us to understand the problem better. We seldom eat our vegetables raw back home. Is that a Chinese custom? I found your eating habits a bit strange. For example, it amazed me when I first saw you drink milk cold. We still try to keep Chinese customs. We Chinese are friendly, generally speaking. It』s too much Americanized, I』m afraid. We eat a lot of fast food nowadays. You don』t have to be very formal when you come to me place. You really don』t have to bring gifts every time you got to a friend』s house. The western people do not ask about the ages and salaries of others. Ages, salaries and so on are privacy. If you ask an American about his religion or marriage, usually won』t get an answer. Keep in mind you should be in time when you』re invited to dinner. You may go with a gift or not. Remember to make an appointment any time you want to call on somebody. Don』t try to shake hand with a woman unless she puts out her hand first. You can talk about weather to anybody at any time. Weather is a good topic to begin a conversation. Americans consider it more friendly to invite a person to one』s home than to take him to a restaurant. You should arrive at the time you were invited for, or within five or ten minutes after that time. If you are unable to thank the hostess before you leave, it』s a good idea to write her a note of thanks or telephone her the next day. If you』re going to be an overnight or weekend guest, it is customary to bring the hostess a small present. Men usually open doors for women, and women generally walk ahead of men into a room or restaurant. Usually, if a man asks a woman out to dinner, he will pay for the dinner. Although there is much informality in the United States, it is important not to create a false impression regarding your feelings for another person. 風俗習慣與禮節 入鄉隨俗。 入鄉隨俗慢慢會習慣的。 有話直說是禮貌的舉動。 萬事開頭難。 什麼事一旦開了頭,就會比較容易多了。 最好的方法是,別人怎麼做。您也怎麼做。 您不必西化,但是在這兒就得學會這兒的生活方式。 等了解我們以後,您就會更加欣賞我們的觀點了。 想要更好的了解這兒的事物,您必須多交朋友。 在一個陌生的環境里,開始時免不了會不習慣,慢慢就會適應的。 有些事情您不必都學,只須理解就可以了。 這正是我們美國人的特色。 按照我們的習慣,這是不能接受的。 我覺得您得改一改您的習慣才行。 您干您的,甭管別人怎麼說您。 您會很快克服文化沖擊的。 與不同經歷的人相處會有助於開闊您的視野。 許多剛來美國時就是這么看我們美國人的。 我發現這兒的人好像。 人們常常錯誤地認為我們中國人缺乏時間觀念,對外部世界反應慢。現在已不是那麼回事了。 盡管他們千方百計地對我們友好,可我總覺得跟他們合不來。我想這里既有語言問題,也有文化方面的差異。 它將有助於我們更好地理解這個問題。

Different countries and peoples, as various historical, cultural and religious factors have special customs and courtesy. For example, Muslims do not eat pork, in Ramadan after sunrise, sunset before meals can; Some Buddhists not everybody eats meat; Hins do not eat beef; Certain countries, such as India, Indonesia, Mali, the Arab states, can not use the left hand with other people or things left transmission; In Buddhist countries not to be confused child's head; Catholics taboo 13 this figure. Especially on the 13th Friday, the days to come, not normally held banquets; Using chopsticks to eat Oriental country, meals must not return with a pair of chopsticks transmission, could not chopsticks inserted in the middle jobs; In some Southeast Asian countries, the WHO taboo sitting thigh; Iran asserts brightening sun thumbs; Bulgaria, Some countries, such as Nepal praised shook his head, nodded do not agree, and so on. Arab women were relatively conservative state, home to people not to ask a guest how good hostess; Japanese right gifts to the attention of Heineken, green is deemed as not auspicious, the lotus is awakened to use, gifts do not have to hide the logo, which animal cunning and greed. Not to mix soup and rice to eat together, because this is the cat. The wedding Jiyong leave, repeat the word several times, the happy occasions Jiyong, and the old, bad, the end of the word. If attention to these customs, people would mistakenly believe that they do not respect or become a farce. Move to a new country or participate in the initial activities, learn more about, observe, understand or will not do, others may follow suit.


If you went to Britain, you』d find a lot of things surprising. But different things surprise different people.


In Britain people drive on the left. Dimitri Poulos, from Greece, thought this was very strange. 「I』ve been in Britain for nearly a month now, but I never remember to look right instead of left before I cross the road. If I stayed for a year, I still wouldn』t remember!」

在英國,人們在左邊駕駛。迪米特瑞·鮑羅斯,來自希臘,認為在左邊駕駛是很奇怪的。 「到現在我已經在英國居住差不多一個月了,但我在橫穿馬路前總是忘記先看右邊而不是左邊。如果我在這兒呆上一年,我還是不會記住的。」

Hiroshi Hasegawa, from Japan, couldn』t understand why British people kept his shoes on at home.「 If a visitor kept his shoes on at home in Japan, we』d think he was very rude or very dirty. I also can』t understand why British people don』t wash before getting into the bath. They wash themselves in the bath, in their own dirty water! I wouldn』t feel clean if I had a bath that way.」

Hiroshi Hasegawa, 來自日本,不理解為什麼英國人在家裡總是穿著鞋。「如果有客人在日本人家裡穿著鞋,我們會認為這人是非常粗魯和骯臟的。還有,我不知道為什麼英國人在進入游泳池前不先洗一洗。他們就在游泳池裡洗,在那臟兮兮的水裡!如果我這樣洗澡的話,我會感到渾身不幹凈。」

Roberto Grazzi, from Italy, couldn』t understand why British people queued so much. 「At a bus stop or in a post office, they always stand in a line—even if there』s only one other person! If I did that in Italy, people would think I was crazy!


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