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Religious freedom is enjoyed by everyone in the UK, and as a result, many different religious beliefs have flourished in central areas of the country.


There are two "official" churches: the church of England and the church of Scotland.


Most residents believe in protestant Christianity, mainly the church of England and the church of Scotland.


There are also Catholic churches and larger religious communities in Islam, Hinism, sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism.



The science festival began in 1883 and is held once a year.


Science week begins in 1994 and is held every march.


On New Year's eve in England, people often go out to visit with cakes and wine.


New Year's eve ball is another celebration.




對牛肉類有特別的偏好,如燒烤牛肉(ROASTED BEEF),在食用時不僅附上時令的蔬菜、烤土豆,還會在牛排上加少許芥末醬;在佐料的使用上喜好奶油及酒類;在香料上喜好肉寇、肉桂等新鮮香料。


時下所流行的下午茶(HIGH TEA)也是傳來自於英國,其較知名的有維多莉亞式VICTORIAN STYLE),內容包括各式小點、松糕、水果撻(TARTE)及三明治等。



Dear xxx .
This summer after the final examination , I am going to make a journey in England with my parents .We will stay there for 10 days . now I would like to know something about the customs there ,so would you please tell me in your letter ? In the meantime there are many places of interest in England ,it's hard to decide which place to see , I would be appreciated if you could give me some advice .
I am looking forward to your reply .
Best wishes


In Britain, everyone enjoys freedom of religion. As a result, various religious beliefs flourish in the central areas of Britain.

There are two "official" churches in Britain: the Church of England (Anglican Church) and the Church of Scotland (Presbyterian Church). In addition, various religions and countless denominations can find their own representatives in Britain.

The majority of the residents believe in Protestant Christianity, mainly the Church of England (also known as the Anglican Church, whose members account for about 60% of alts in England) and the Church of Scotland (also known as the Presbyterian Church, with 590,000 alts).

There are also Catholic Churches and larger religious communities such as Islam, Hinism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism.






There is no official language in the name of Britain. In fact, English is the main language. 

There are other official languages outside England, such as Welsh in the north of Wales, and Gaelic in the northwest highlands of Scotland and parts of Northern Ireland. 

Immigrants from all over the world also speak their native languages, such as Bangladesh, Chinese, Hindi, Punjab and Ur. Britain has the largest number of Hindi speakers outside India.





When the British met each other for the first time,they usually shake hands. In addition to the men and women, walk in love generally don't hand in hand. The British don't like others to interfere with their personal life.
When you go to visit a British person, first in the door knocking at the door, he said "please wait until into", to get in. Gentlemen came into the room, took off his hat and ladies are not in indoor hat off.
The British in daily life often talk about the topic of the weather, and is often the first topic.
Lady first and a gentleman: in Britain, the respect women is to reflect the gentleman poise is an important aspect. Lady first is a well-known standards of behaviour.
Washroom and to "no. 100" : the bathroom the meaning of the word for hand washing or wash a face of place, but the actual meaning is the toilet, British people to the toilet when will not say straight out "to go to the toilet". If you would like to go to the toilet, may say "to man's room", or "to the woman's room", also say "excuse me a few minutes" or "I want to wash their hands," and so on. Children want to say "I want to go to foul the place". In between friends and family, "go to no. 100 internal" is the most commonly used claim.
For gifts and give a tip: in the UK, is limited to give the waiter a tip, and taxi drivers in groceries and outside the fare pay 1/10 or 1/8 of the money. The attendants or railway a porter service for you, you also have to pay after a few tips.
Ban avoid
Can't jump the queue: British people lining up the habit. You can see them a get a land line up on the bus, train, or buy a newspaper. Jump the queue is a screening nasty behavior.
Can't ask a lady's age: the British very don't like to talk about man's salary and women's age.
Can't cut price: in Britain, the most taboo shopping is cut price.

禁 忌


Now the British people focus more on the quality of life, the pursuit of the spirit of enjoyment. In important occasions, very formal, usually the pursuit of simple, comfortable clothing. Eating simple style, pay attention to nutrition. The climate is mild, moist, British people love the sun. Usually like to do household chores yourself, love sports, love to travel holiday. In addition to English very interested in cultural activities, such as reading, writing, listening to music, theatre, also love pets. British life, in the life of a digital in the UK alt, average 22 hours a week engaged in full-time or part-time alt ecation, and to the same amount of time for the housework. While engaged in the housework, the gender is still to women as the highest. But more and more women to participate in the work of the. According to the latest statistics from the National Bureau of statistics, the proportion of women participating in the work of the 45%. In non-manual Work Department, women account for half of. While in the service instry, women accounted for more than half, can be described as "half the sky"! The British family expenditure between 1990 and 1997 75% growth (including inflation). But in 1998 two quarter than the 2.8% rise in 1997. The consumption structure has also changed a lot. In 1997, the residents for recreation and ecation spending on rable goods consumption increased by 10%. Its expenditure for the purchase of radio, television, telephone, computer and other rable goods. This part of the consumer is also used to rent the video and music tapes, to buy Stationery, and investment in ecation. In 1997 the general cost of goods prices rose by 4.4%, but the indivial goods such as food, alcohol, fuel have varying degrees of decline, decline in the proportion of the highest among the cigarette. Therefore, now the British way of life, pay more attention to the quality of life, the pursuit of the spirit of enjoyment, and graally get rid of bad habits, such as smoking, drinking. Two, the pursuit of simple, comfortable life suit still regarded as Britain's national costume, but, although workers in western dress and leather shoes, even on important occasions, men with a tuxedo, women wear low-cut dress, however, many people like to wear casual clothes everyday, style simple, comfortable fit. The British style of eating habits is also easy, pay attention to nutrition. Breakfast is usually porridge milk or a cup of red juice, coated with butter toast, fried bacon or sausage, egg. At noon, the children eat lunch at school, alts at lunch on the job on the vicinity to buy a sandwich, a cup of coffee, just kill. Only to the weekend, the British people will be rich on a table. Usually the main course is meat, such as grilled chicken, roast beef, fish and so. A wide variety of vegetables, like cabbage, fresh peas, potatoes, carrots and so. Vegetables in general are no longer processing, mounted on a tray, ready-made sauce poured from the supermarket to buy the food. After the main course there will always be together digestible sweets, such as cooking fruit, fruit pudding, cheese, ice cream, etc.. Three, parks and green Britain has a temperate climate, humid. The four seasons of a year for a variety of flowers and trees. The government in the formulation of urban planning, in almost every community has specially planned a large piece of green space or park, for people to rest or take a walk, to provide space for children to play. As the winter rainy and foggy, summer sun for British people become particularly valuable. On a sunny weekend, holiday, the park, the beach there lay people full of enjoying the sun bath. More British people to put their own skin tanned shine for fashion. Four, do British people like to be on holiday weekend do-it-yourself repair houses, furniture, decoration room, garden. Even made their own ceramic crafts, almost be equal to anything. This not only for economic consideration, but this as foster personal skills, cultivate personal sentiment, is also one of leisure lifestyle.


United Kingdom, referred to as the United Kingdom (English: United Kingdom) or Britain (English: Britain), commonly known as the United Kingdom, is the island of Great Britain, England, Scotland and Wales, as well as the northeastern part of the island of Ireland and Northern Ireland, a series of affiliated islands composed of an island nation in Western Europe. Chinese in the "English" word, that is, from "England", while their international code for GB.
United Kingdom is located in the northwest of continental Europe, the British Isles, was the North Sea, the English Channel, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean surrounded. In addition to British, but also includes fourteen overseas territories
大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國,簡稱聯合王國(英文:United Kingdom)或不列顛(英文:Britain),通稱英國,是由大不列顛島上的英格蘭、蘇格蘭和威爾士,以及愛爾蘭島東北部的北愛爾蘭以及一系列附屬島嶼共同組成的一個西歐島國。中文裡的「英國」一詞,即由「英格蘭」而來,其國際代碼為GB。



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