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Frech is one of the three well-known cuisine kingdom in the world. As a result, there are some tips we should keep in mind when having meal with French people.First and formost, it is rude to put your elbows on the dinner table, but you can put your hands on it. Besides, when you are eating, you should never hold your plate. Because that would show as if you are too hungry to eat up all the food on the plate.Another tip you should remenber is that French people are good at drinking wine, which is the necessity of a dinner. They devote particular care to matching different dishes with different kinds of wine. That is why wines are commonly more expensive than dishes at a normal banquet. You should neither complain how slow the dishes are served, nor keeping eating all the time without chatting with your neighbors. Remember that conversation is superior to anything else.作為舉世皆知的世界三大烹飪王國之一,法國人十分講究飲食。
1. 法國人用餐時,兩手允許放在餐桌上,但卻不許將兩肘支在桌子上。
2. 法國人特別善飲,他們幾乎餐餐必喝,而且講究在餐桌上要以不同品種的酒水搭配不同的菜餚。一般來說,在法國人的餐桌上酒水貴於菜餚。而在正式的宴會上,則有「交談重於一切」之說。這是因為法國人視宴請為交際場所,所以他們舉行的宴會大都時間較長,在用餐時只吃不談,是不禮貌的。還有人說,如果你在法國餐廳吃飯,千萬別抱怨侍者上菜速度太慢——他們這樣做完全是為了你和你朋友有足夠的時間神聊。


English style of eating habits is also easy, pay attention to nutrition. Breakfast is usually porridge milk or a cup of red juice, coated with butter toast, fried bacon or sausage, eggs. At noon, the children eat lunch at school, alts at lunch on the job on the vicinity to buy a sandwich, a cup of coffee on, just kill. Only to the weekend, the British people will be rich on a table. Usually the main course is meat, such as grilled chicken, roast beef, fish and so on. A wide variety of vegetables, like cabbage, fresh peas, potatoes, carrots and so on. Vegetables in general are no longer processed, mounted on a tray, poured from the supermarket to buy ready-made sauce will be consumed. After the main course there will always be together digestible of sweets, such as cooking fruit, fruit pudding, cheese, ice cream and so on.

Fried fish and fries (Fish and chips)

This is the traditional British fast food nation (fast

food). It is in the 19th century 60's pop up. At that time, the railway put start fresh fish one night directly (direct) transported from the east coast to London. English at the fish paste on top ofgood deep-fried in oil, and fried potatoes be eaten together. People put a mixture of salt and vinegar sauce and pour it into the article on fish and potatoes, with a newspaper bag, and then eat from the paper in hand. Today, people often use a clean paper packaging, and to provide a fork (fork).

Cha (Tea)

British National enjoy a cup of tea. At the traditional British (tradition) on people with porcelain tea cup, one person a cup, a spoonful of tea. The majority of British people like to drink strong tea, but I want to add much milk. Many years ago, people used to put milk into the cup, then add the tea, and finally add water.

Coffee (Coffee)

Now in the United Kingdom, as popularity of coffee and tea. People either do not add milk or add milk, or drink coffee or preparing a new instant coffee.

Wine (Wine)

English wine instry is very strong. More and more of the many vineyards are procing wine and red wine (red

wine). English pubs everywhere, has several flavors, each with 10,000 large and small pubs, which have many hundreds of years of history, this old pub is usually haunted legends, it is interesting that not only did not care about the owner, but also his house ghost Li Chuan-story as the general put on a table in each. Something fishy about the pub business better and sell more expensive.

Eating habits with knife and fork pyronaridine ~

British people generally preferred way of cooking there is: cooked in soy and vinegar, barbecue, fried and fried. Of meat, seafood, game cooking methods are unique; However, the categories of the beef they have special preferences, such as barbecue beef (ROASTED BEEF), is attached not only in the consumption of seasonal vegetables, baked potato, but also will add some steak on the mustard sauce; at the use of seasoning on the butter and liquor preferences; at spice up the taste of meat Kou, cinnamon and other spices fresh.

The more well-known British cuisine has: beef kidney allocation (STEAK KIDNEY PIE), fish Pai (ENGLISH FISH CHIP), the Royal butter chicken (CHICKEN A LA KING) and so on. British people enjoy hunting, only once a year at the hunting period, there is much of the hotel or restaurant will be introced to game meal, such as deer (VENISON), rabbits (HARE), pheasant (PHEASANT),, such as cooking. General cooking game when using some gin or berries and wine, this approach is in order to remove the smell of mutton flavor of the food itself.

Breakfast is very important to the British people, British restaurants in the supply of a wide range of meals, have fruit juice, fruit, eggs, meat, wheat porridge category, bread, jam and coffee. Nowadays the popular afternoon tea (HIGH TEA) is the mass from the United Kingdom, and its more famous there is Victoria-style VICTORIAN STYLE), the contents can be said to be all-inclusive, including all kinds of small points, muffin, fruit tarts (TARTE ) and sandwiches. Supper on the daily lives of English is also one of the most important part of the meal of their choice is usually late, and are eating betterto promote friendship between meals can imagine they belong to are very autonomous nation, and a supper for them could take hours.

The United Kingdom at the local, there will be lot of people who love to drink, mainly because it itself is also a wine procing country. English at the cost of alcohol consumption on the expenditure than the other also to the many.

Nobu Restaurant

This is a world-renowned Japanese-style sushi restaurant, perfect interpretation of the cultural diversity of London. Enjoy the best way is to let the staff recommend, another is called a reversal of the world's black cod, point of confusing the champagne glass. Of course, the best have someone else foot the bill! Remember the location you want in advance, otherwise.

St. John's Restaurant

Very authentic British restaurant, under the name of the solemn nostalgia,thick sauce, verytraditional British dishes. Pig here are LOGO, shows a simple kick! Have to roast whole pigs, Yorktraditional rural English dishes. Confections are a weight of more down 2,3個. Good to eat! Ensure that you spot, the United Kingdom must go FREE to try!

Hakkasan Restaurant

An average consumption of 60 pounds in London's top restaurants. Is not a false faceskill, newspapers comment on is "the history of the sexiest Chinese restaurant", are impartial appraisal. Hot and sour soup, pipa ck, pork Doo British sparkling wine, Greece white Portuguese. It seems that Chinese and Western, at tip of tongue on an.


"Fish" sounds like 'surplus'. Chinese people always like to have a surplus at the end of the year, because they think if they have managed to save something at the end of the year, then they can make more in the next year.
Fish can be cooked in various ways such as boiling, steaming, and braising. The most famous Chinese fish dishes include steamed weever, West Lake fish with pickled cabbage and chili, steamed fish in vinegar sauce, and boiled fish with spicy broth.
【The Meaning of Various Fish】
What fish should be chosen for the New Year feast is based on auspicious homophonics.
Crucian carp:
As the first character of 『crucian carp' sounds like the Chinese word 「good luck」, so eating crucian carp is considered to bring good luck for the next year.
Chinese mud carp:
The first part of the Chinese for mud carp is pronounced like the word for gifts . So Chinese people think eating carp ring the Chinese New Year symbolizes wishing for good fortune.
The Chinese for catfish sounds like meaning 『year surplus'. So eating catfish is a wish for a surplus in the year. Eating two fish, one on New Year's Eve and one on New Year's Day, (if written in a certain way) signifies a wish for a surplus year-after-year. If only one catfish is eaten, eating the upper part of the fish on New Year's Eve and the remainder on the first day of the new year has the same meaning (上鯰魚下鯰魚; 上年餘下年余).
因其音似「年余」一詞,所以吃鯰魚則意味著來年的盈餘。如果能在除夕夜和大年初一各吃上一條鯰魚,那麼寓意以後財富年年享用不完。當然還有種說法就是在除夕夜吃了一條鯰魚的上半部,而把剩餘的那一半在初一當天吃完。 (上鯰魚下鯰魚; 上年餘下年余)
【Lucky Sayings for Eating Fish 】
1. May you always get more than you wish for.
2. A fish leaping over the dragon gate — implying successful passing a competitive examination
! 謝謝!


美國人喜歡一日多餐,每餐適量;而中國人傳統習慣一日三餐,每餐食量都較 大,且現已開始有不食早餐的風氣。無疑少食多餐會比一日三餐、二餐科學,特別是不食早餐更易患膽石症。
The American likes on first many meal, each meal right amount; But the Chinese tradition custom eat three meals a day, each meals quantity is big, and already started to have does not eat the breakfast the atmosphere. Without doubt the few food many meal compared to the eat three meals a day, two meal science, will specially not eat the breakfast easily gallstones. after the American meal, custom adds sweets. The American is accustomed to the indivial dining system. The American likes eating the greens. After American meal, likes drinking the coffee. The Americans have the love food to puncture the body or to fry the beefsteak 56 mature customs. American. Is partial to the fine white bread flour manufacture the flour dim sum.


The custom of Spring Festival is to eat reunion dinner, make mplings, watch the Spring Festival Gala and visit relatives and friends with red envelopes


1、Eating Yuanxiao吃元宵


2、Guessing lantern riddles猜燈謎


3、Dragon lantern耍龍燈


4、Lion Dance舞獅子


5、Stilt walking踩高蹺





1、吃湯圓Eating Tangyuan

Eating Tangyuan is an important tradition for the Lantern Festival. Tangyuan, also know as yuanxiao, is a Chinese food made from glutinous rice flour mixed with a small amount of water to form balls and is then cooked and served in boiling water.


Traditionally, the balls come stuffed with sweet black sesame paste, although the fillings can vary. Tangyuan are eaten ring Lantern Festival because of a homophone for union.


2、賞花燈Lighting lanterns

A painting of the Lantern Festival by Zou Li. [Photo/artron.net]

Decorating and hanging lanterns is the main tradition of the festival, with lanterns big and small hung around households, parks, streets and other public spaces. Red lanterns of various shape and type will attract countless visitors to watch.


3、猜燈謎Lantern riddles

Solving riddles on lanterns has been a popular tradition since the Song Dynasty. People write riddles on paper and stick them to the lanterns and if someone guesses correctly, they can pull the riddle off. The notes often contain messages of good fortune and wishes.



一、貼春聯 —— Post new year's scrolls


二、吃餃子 —— Eat mplings


三、守歲迎新年 —— watch in the New Year


四、放鞭炮 —— touch off the firecracker


五、拜年 —— pay a New Year's call



1、Eating zongzi 吃粽子 

Zongzi are pyramid-shaped mplings made of glutinous rice, stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. This traditional food is popular ring the Dragon Boat Festival.


2、Drinking realgar wine 飲雄黃酒

Realgar wine is Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar. It is a custom to drink the wine ring the Dragon Boat Festival.


3、Dragon boat racing 賽龍舟

Dragon boat racing is a traditional pastime where crews of 22 seated in long, dragon-shaped boats race lengths of up to 2000m. The Races are an indispensable part of the Dragon Boat Festival and are held all over China.


4、Wearing a sachet 佩香囊

During Dragon Boat Festival, parents typically dress their children up with a sachet. They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and finally string them with silk thread. The sachet, which is said to be able to ward off evil, is usually hung around the child's neck or tied to the front of his or her garment as an ornament.


5、Tying five colored rings 系五綵線

Tying five brightly-colored decorative rings around children's wrists, ankles and necks ring the Dragon Boat Festival is said to help the child ward off pests.


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